Sunday, October 01, 2006

Instant Replay

I was looking for a title for this post; I always want some catchy phrase to go with each one.
I called it Instant Replay for two reasons. It is something that seems to replay in my life over and over, and because it involves one of those rare prayers that God seems to often answer instantly in my life, or at least very quickly. I know He always answers, but this one He often gives grace with and answers right away!
Sometimes in this new adventure out here in the west I get scared. For a while, it was being out in the wilderness and thinking someone might break in and "get" me. And because I stewed over it, I found myself dealing with it over and over. But once I got a clue, recognized it as Satan trying to stop me from being effective and from focusing on the Lord, I was able to give it to the Lord, and He just took it away. Now, I can't say that means I will never deal with it again, but for now, I am able to trust. However, Satan is a subtle enemy. So he trys again in different ways to get me where I am vulnerable.
And so I found myself today, again afraid that I could not do the job. What will I do tommorrow, I don't know the next step! I have no time and I am not ready! Now this is partly true, I did not get much done this weekend as far as lesson plans go, and I spent too much time on the internet :) At first, I panic! but this is not the appropriate response. I have not figured it all out yet, even though I should have with as many times as He provides but I have learned somewhat, and now I take it to the Lord. Almost instantly He gives me peace and instead of fearing, I work to figure out what He would have me do. And as I have often found, the plan is already there, this time literally, as I had wrote out a bit of it during a spare moment last week!! How funny that Satan tries to intimated me about something already prepared!! But the truth is that God has ALL of it already prepared. Why worry about it at all!! If I remember who is really in control, I will have the peace and assurance I need right at my fingertips, like an instant replay of all the times He has provided for my needs!


Heather said...

I feel like control is just an illusion we create to make ourselves feel better.....

Marjorie Meinzinger said...

Mel, Great title !! I felt it was a replay of my own experiences. I imagine other's will feel it replays their's as well. I am glad the Lord is speaking to you and teaching you in His love. Love, MOM P.S. I agree with Heahter on control.

P.S. #2 I should tell you about how the Lord provided for MOPS. WOW

Heather said...

I just want to add that I had a great comment all typed out to this and one of your other posts yesterday. Both times the site locked up and they were lost! So just FYI you ARE being read!!

miss you.