Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Please Note!

Hey Everyone,

The original post had a typo, so you may have had some trouble with Mission Munchkins.

I fixed the post and the link should work now.


Please Note

Mission Munchkins

Hey Everyone. This is just a note to let you know that I am moving all the Kindergarten and Mission news to its own blog.

Here is a link:

I am still working out the kinks, but there are posts for you to read already!

Hope you like it

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School's Back from Summer!!

So the summer was pretty crazy!

Fast and furious, with lots of doctor's visits and all the fun that goes with...

And then just before we left, we received some horrible news.
Katie, my cousin's wife, had suffered a brain anyuerism at the end of July, and was not expected to live. But a little more than a month later, and she has gotten to leave the hospital. The doctors have said over and over that they don't know what happened, why she is even alive, and why she is healing so quickly. But we do......

If you need to hear the stoy from the beginning, listen to the interviews with Davey on the radio. There is a link on the blog. Or you can go to, Click on the July posts, then scroll down for a while and you will see Updates from Davey. Read through these to hear the amazing story.

I moved back in late July, and moved out of my apartment and into a house! Mom, Dad and Grandma all drove out to get me back and helped oodles with moving. I also have a house mate - Kelli Wilson. She taught first grade last year and is teaching junior high this year and handling the Library. We get along pretty well. Our cats, not so much:)

The first week is over and we are doing well here in Kindergarten land. Ten kids this year, so I have to remember some things from two years ago about how to run this size of a group. I got spoiled last year with only five! But they are a nice group and pretty smart. Pray for me and them all for the adjustment. I have a few kids who obviously have some church background, and that is always good, since they pipe up with answers and you don't hear crickets chirpping with every question :) They all need the Lord though, and so pray they hear with their hearts and respond.

Pray especially for Cameron and Jameson, who are having a hard time getting used to how you behave in a classroom setting and with other kids. But they are both sweet boys, so it is not hard to love them, even while I am pulling out my hair.

I will post some pictures in a little bit.

Bye for now

In Christ, Mel

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm Loving Phonics

Moments I wish I had my camera with me....

When my Kindergarten students use their free play time to do phonogram practice.

Recently, I have started playing them a tape, just to make sure that they hear the correct sounds with each phonogram. So today, the girls all wanted to sit up at the front with the cards and the tape player and pretend to be the teacher. They held up the phonogram as the guy on the tape said the was so cute. Unfortunately my camera was at home. But I am posting some other pictures. Hope you like them.

Monday, February 04, 2008

100 days and counting!

We celebrated the 100th day last Wednesday. It was a little late, since Monday was a Mud Day!
We've counted each day, all the way up to 100 days of school, and we celebrated by doing lots of 100 activities. We had a "one hundred" snack (ten pieces each of ten different small snacks like goldfish), 100 puzzles, made a collage with one hundred (and more! Opps!) handprints. The kids brought in collections of one hundred things.

In the gym we got a little crazy with the 1st graders: one hundred jumps, silence for one hundred seconds and popping one hundred balloons. In the afternoon, we made some hats with one hundred stickers!

Here are some pictures from our big day! Thanks for everyone who sent things or money to get all our one hundred things.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy 2008 everyone!!

I spent the holidays in Michigan with my parents, sisters, church family, and friends. It was a great time to visit with everyone and catch up.
Tommorrow, Thursday, I head back to the Rez.
Happy New Year to everyone!