Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Here I am, back again with my kids! Sounds like everyone had a great break, and they are getting back into the swing of things. I was a little worried that thy would have forgotten everything! But they seem to remember most things and some are even doing better in some areas!
Our classroom is rearranged and seems to work for the kids, so far at least. We have a group here from Cedarville University, and they are going to do Bible Club for the kids all week. They have been spending lots of time with the kids and are doing a great job. This afternoon they did a puppet show and songs and games.

This weeks memory verse is Romans 3:23, and I had my kids write it out. They did great. Some are still working at where on the page to put the letters and some you can barely read, but you can tell that they get the general idea. I do have one little guy that I can only get to trace things, so please pray that I might be able to figure out away to help him.

Hope everyone had a great holiday and have a Happy New Year.


Heather said...

Glad you are back safe and sound. Hey whatever happened to those shoes of mine that you took to Laura? She said she sent them back with you? Where are the missing shoes????

Sarah said...

Hey, Mel! hope you are doing well. Just wanted to say HI.