Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Naptime adventures

Naptime is an adventure in the Kindergarten classroom at Immanuel Mission School! First we have to get all the mats out and make sure everyone has gone potty, and everyone has to have a toy. Then there is the task of getting everyone to settle down which doesn't happen quickly or easily. But for now most are quiet and some are even sleeping. Some of those who are awake are singing or giggling. It is very intresting to hear the things they will say. They started talking about Jesus today and it is neat to hear which things they pick up from the bible lesson. They start to ask questions about wether Jesus likes kids or not, and how he died for our sins, right? Sin does not seem to be a question for them since they know very well that they do wrong some times. I think sometimes it easier for them, we try to justify it. We don't want others to see how we fail, even though we all do. I suppose it is just the stubborness and pride that keeps many from acknowledging their need for a Savior, a Savior of our souls, who also saves us in our daily lives if we will only let Him. How much easier it will be if we just rest in Him like little ones do, and come to Him as a child!


Heather said...

Naptime...sweet naptime. You can learn a lot because of naptime.

Heather said...

Naptime...sweet naptime. You can learn a lot because of naptime.

Heather said...

Naptime...sweet naptime. You can learn a lot because of naptime.